Sunday, September 12, 2010


That’s a good question… There are a lot of real estate agents that don’t believe open houses work to sell a home. I feel an open house is one of many ways to successfully market your home.

This is a conversation that we will have before we list your home. You have to understand that an open house doesn’t have the same impact that it has had in years past. A National Association of Realtors study found that their success rate is a mere 2%.

This doesn’t mean that it never happens because it does, just not very often. When it comes to selling real estate every bit of exposure will increase your odds of selling. I have had phone calls from people that ask when I will have an open house at one of my listings and had people come through that are very interested in seeing the home.

Home Buyers turn to the Internet to look for homes up to 90% of the time. With most people using the internet to view homes we need to use tools that shows your home at its best. One of the best tools to use is a Visual Tour. This is a way to showcase your home providing a quality, rich media internet based showcase. No longer is it acceptable to just put a sign in the front yard, purchase a 3 line classified ad, send out a batch of “Just Listed” postcards to the neighbors and hold an open house. I will use everything I have available to get your home exposure.

We’ll develop and implement a personal marketing plan customized to bring you the Highest Price, with the Least Inconvenience in the Shortest Possible Time with the Best Terms.

If you’re thinking of selling your home Call Lester Hunt for your Personalized Marketing Plan.

Contact information available at.
Check on of my Visual Tours.

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